Tuesday 25 January 2011


(from) Inflammatory Essays, 1979-82
Jenny Holzer

YES. This reminds me of a conversation I had today with Rachel actually, about anger towards other people, (or recurring violent thoughts about other people!) Luckily, the important people in my life are amazing, but I think this is something we can all feel from time to time. Art like this, I believe, can make one feel a bit ‘better’. I, and we, can dance off anger and paint it in pink :).

A thought: at a graduate exhibition the other week, one girl whose work was being exhibited said: “I don’t like art with meaning.” What? Surely that’s like saying “I don’t like bread baked with flour”. Or am I wrong? I’m not an artist (just an enthusiastic appreciator I’d like to think!) so are perceptions of art different to those who actually create it? I’d love to know what anyone thinks!


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