Friday, 11 February 2011

So, what did I really think about the Antonioni Project? Apart from “I can’t say Antonionioo!!”

Ivo van Hove’s Antonioni Project is based on the scripts of three films by Michelangelo Antonioni. Merging live performance, projection and film, Hove explores the intimate relationships between several couples under a number of different circumstances. The piece reminded me very much of the film (and play) Closer, in a sense that sex is thrown about: everyone is pretty much ‘getting off’ with each other. But visually, it was beautiful, and once again it challenged my usually hostility towards uses of technology!   

But (and please excuse my use of the word) what about the subtitles. Hmm. Of course, a play spoken in non-English is no indication of quality levels, but I do (and did) believe that it affects theatrical experience as a whole. Does having to concentrate on English translation not interfere with what you actually see? Of course it does! (Well, me and Milly thought so).

The language did intrigue me however, sparking wonders of Dutch culture and where the play was actually ‘set’. The rich and attractive characters come together at the end for one smart yet long, hazy party, held together by the glorious onstage jazz band and made memorable by the heavenly balloon scene.

A wonderful evening at the Barbican with my beautiful Mil!


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