Wednesday 16 February 2011

Happy Single’s Day! (was what I thought on the 14th)

by Nico van der Merwe

¡San Valentín!  As a single pringle, here’s 3 things I loved this week, besides male company: 

·         My first lesson of Spanish. I’m actually fucking doing it! Hurray. I’m totally trying to steer clear of any self-absorbed diary-like entries (!), so to keep this post arts focussed, an arty Spanish fact for you:

Madrid’s International Contemporary Art Fair, ARCO, celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and will showcase art from 197 international galleries from 21 countries. ARCO (the largest contemporary art fair in Spain), seeks to revive the interest for modern art, despite the economic crisis.

·         Brighton Rock. Kings Speech, Black Swan, Kings Speech, Black Swan, Kin... but Brighton Rock is what I choose to see. I thought it was excellent! Chillingly brutal, well paced and stylishly updated to the 60s. Especially liked the ending; seemingly happy (‘Pinky’ gets his comeuppance). But in fact it is not so; the ending ending is grim. Intrigued? Maybe I need to read the book before I can truly judge the film – as I am frantically doing now, with Never Let Me Go (really hard to get into, but it’s worth getting into, I’m told!)

Sam Riley's "dead-eyed look" as Pinky. Throughout, his face is so tensed you never see his teeth, except for the once, revealing a snaggle tooth. Now thats chilling!

·          The London Met Arts Society: it is finally on its feet!


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